Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bees, Bees, Bees

Recently, we found that we have a bee hive in the side of our house. One evening as we were eating outside I noticed a bee fly under the siding on the house. I watched for a little while and noticed other bees. "Josh, watch there are bees flying under the siding", I said. He watched too as another bee flew under the siding and two other bees flew out from under it. Sure enough as we watched more bees flew in and out. To solve the problem Josh got some fill the gap stuff to spray in the bee hive entrance. But instead of the bees just going away, they fly around trying to find the entrance or a new spot to build their hive; and they have been coming inside the house. I actually got stung by one on my leg after it had flown up under my capris. So far though Josh, Jason, and Mia are all safe.