Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Work is a blessing

I am on the job hunt right now. I have never really had a problem getting a job. My situation right now makes me appreciate jobs in general. Most people complain about their jobs, including me and Josh, but really they are something to be most thankful for. Even if its something that you don't really want to do. We are blessed in so many ways. I know that we haven't even had Halloween yet, but I thought I would jump right to the thankful part of the season. Here are all the things I am thankful for:
My family - my babies - Jason and Mia and my husband -Josh
My husband's job
all my other family and friends - Josh and I are not that great at saying so, but we love you guys!!!
the sunshine - I know it sounds corny but really sunshine does so many great things!
Waking up
Brushing my teeth - I hate that furry feeling, ugh!!!
The smell of the air after the rain
The crisp morning air in the fall
Okay, just air in general :)
Broccoli and cheese soup - I made that tonight and it was a really good batch, it was soooo good! (If you want the recipe give me a holler)
I would be up all night writing everything single thing that I am thankful for, but you get my drift. Don't take things for granted!!!