Sunday, March 21, 2010

First Spring walk of the year!!!

The sun was shining and we needed to be outdoors.  It was such a beautiful evening.  We ventured down to the bike trail and let Jason try out his bike he got for his birthday.  It didn't take long for him to be zooming down the trail leaving us in his dust.

Mia got to ride in the stroller.

with her baby...
And she had to show me her fingernails; Aunt Hannah painted them.

We are off!!!...except at first he wouldn't let Josh take his hands off his back. :)
What is this face?
Then we went down to the bike trail....

The first boo-boo

Mommy chase me...... :)  She loves running

Trying to get a picture of us

Then Mia got a boo-boo too

Jason discovered a water puddle