Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hannah's Thoughts ~ Why Can't We Be Friends?

I've been thinking a lot about how long its been since I blogged something.  I really don't like feeling behind.  I have also been reading more lately especially about "inner circles" and being authentic, real person.  One, I have realized how small my own inner circle is.  Which made me wonder why?  I think I have figured out to a certain extent for me its from this constant competition women put themselves through.  There is the "keeping up with the Jones'" and then there is basically being a woman.  So I tried to think of all the ways that women compare with one another (this starts in high school and I think gets better some with maturing but still....) Here's my list:

Who's pretty/prettiest, skinniest, what does your husband does, who has their make-up done, who has their hair done - fixed nice for the day or even who has highlights or has dyed their hair, who's hair is the prettiest, of course forever and ever clothes, shoes, purses, do you work or do you stay at home?, how long was your labor and delivery?, how short was your labor and delivery?, who decorated a nursery?, who had their baby sleep in a closet because they didn't have the space, how long did you breastfeed?, did you supplement with formula?, how fast did you lose the baby weight, how much weight did you gain when you were pregnant,  how much weight have you gained since high school,  how many activities or sports are you or your children in,  I think in some ways too some might compare how friends so and so have on facebook, how is your house decorated, do you scrapbook, do you go to fitness classes, how much does your husband help around the house, even how much work do you have to do, who's life is the hardest, do I need to go on?  I mean seriously, every single aspect of you, your body, looks, life, anything really there could be a comparison.  Why do we put ourselves through this?
It's intimidating.  It's down right scary.
There is one fact that is hard to ignore:  women need each other.  Women need to socialize, they need to connect.  Women provide for one another the support that men will never give or even care to give.  So why do we put ourselves through these constant competitions and beauty pageants?   Why can't we just get past all the material things that stand in the way of really opening up to people?  Why can't we be friends? We would live longer and live healthier happier lives.